Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Salmon Farms

Salmon Farming and its link with hazardous pollutants is an issue of increasing concern especially since the rate of salmon consumption has increased over the past two decades across the US (>20% per year) and Europe (>14% per year) since 1990. The use of pesticides such as polybrominated diphenyl ether, a fire retardant, have been found in farmed salmon. (Data source: whyfiles.org/shorties.159salmon/)

Here is data showing the amount of flame retardant PBDE found in wild vs farmed salmon:

Source: http://whyfiles.org/shorties/159salmon/

Of course, salmon isn't the only fish being farmed. Here is a list of some other fish that are farmed across the globe:

• Atlantic Cod (gadus morhua)
• Atlantic Halibut (hippoglossus hippoglossus)
• Atlantic Salmon (salmo salar)
• Cobia (rachycentron canadum)
• Croker (larimichthys crocea)
• Milkfish (chanos chanos)
• Pacific Threadfin (polydactylus sexfilis)
• Parrotfish (oplegnathus fasciatus)
• Sea Bass (dicentrarchus labrax)
• Sea Bream (sparus aurata)
• Summer Flounder (paralichthys dentatus)
• Yellowtail Kingfish (seriola rivoliana, lalandi)

(Source: http://www.oceanspar.com/)

Groups are working on new solutions to improve health and safety of fish farming.

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